The Happy Garden Podcast

Welcome to our garden podcast. A happy one. Not just gardening but all things garden related. Features, interviews and a whole lot of laughter and positivity along the way. We are Mollie Green and Darren Rudge, come join us... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Gibraltar Botanic Gardens
Friday, 7 March 2025
Mollie recently visited Gibraltar and had the pleasure of a tour of the Botanic Gardens with the lovely Keith Bensusan who is the director of this spectacular space. The beautiful Alameda Botanic Gardens are on the Upper South-West side of the rock. A haven for flora and fauna and as you'll hear, THE garden for the residents of Gibraltar. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Laughter in the garden
Friday, 28 February 2025
Press play if you need a pick me up, this episode is full of smiles. There is a bit of gardening too - Andy has the fascinating history of the bridal bouquet, you'll hear a sneak preview of Mollie's Gibraltar special and Darren answers lots of your questions including how to take rose cuttings and the best way to grow swedes. Be warned - there is laughter from the outset... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you tried lunar gardening?
Friday, 21 February 2025
We explore lunar gardening with Andy Lound. Mollie chats to Gwen Hines, the CEO of Plant Heritage to find out how we could all potentially have an award winning plant in our garden. Lots of gardening questions answered with Darren along side a bit of snowdrop poetry too. Join us for a giggle... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A whole lot of love in the garden...
Friday, 14 February 2025
Possibly the sexiest episode to date! We profile vegetables with allure and delve in to the horticultural history cupid's garden. Dan has an update on the allotment he has taken on. Does he regret taking it on now it's cold and wet? Find out how he is getting on... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The RHS looks at gardening trends for the year ahead
Friday, 7 February 2025
Mollie is back from Gibraltar with exciting tales to tell and a podcast about their beautiful Botanical Gardens now in the bag. Darren has lots of your gardening questions to answer and some great advice on how the potential snow on the forecast might affect your garden. Andy Lound has the history of decking in this week's episode and we'll also hear from Buglife Paul about which insects we might see in the garden this month. Lots to pack in to this episode! Come and join us... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Meet Andy Lound!
Friday, 31 January 2025
Mollie chats to Andy Lound. Settle in for an hour to find out about the history of the man behind the horticultural histories... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Could you start a community garden?
Friday, 24 January 2025
Not everyone has their own garden space. Mollie chats to Suze Carter from Dawberry Corner Community Garden, a space which was derelict, overgrown and unloved. Hear how it was secured and transformed in to a wonderful community area. Darren answered lots of your gardening questions including what to do with hyacinths after they have flowered, poinsettias dropping leaves and tips on how to stop slippy algae on paths with pasta water. Andy Lound also has the history of gardening gloves! Come and join us... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Looking for signs of Spring
Friday, 17 January 2025
Mollie chats to Dan Asaw from the Field Studies Council. They are conducting a UK wide citizen science survey looking for early signs of Spring. Find out why and how you can get involved. Andy has the history of Wassailing and Darren answered lots of your gardening questions including which types of household waste water you can use on your plants and what to do with hyacinths after they have flowered. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Reusing your Christmas tree in the garden
Friday, 10 January 2025
A very cold week in the garden! Darren has some advice on outside taps and pipes as well as a rather beautiful poem to read us, entitled "The gardening year ahead" written by his own fair hand. Mollie chats to Buglife about how the charity has grown in 2024 and what they hope to achieve in 2025. Andy Lound brings us the history of some inspirational gardeners and as always, there is a chuckle or two to be had here and there. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How are the National Trust gardens coping with the changing weather?
Friday, 3 January 2025
Mollie chats with the National Trust about the measures they are putting in place in order to cope with the frequent floods, drought and gales that the UK is now getting. Their gardens and gardeners are having to adapt to the ever changing weather patterns. We reveal the winner of the Winterbourne Gardens competition, one lucky podcast listener wins an experience with Darren! Andy Lound has the potted history of the snowdrop and you'll hear the usual laughter as we enter 2025 together... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Celebrating Winter solstice
Friday, 27 December 2024
After the podcast Christmas lunch last week at The Pod in Coventry, Mollie headed to the allotment that grows the food for the cafe. There was a beautiful winter solstice celebration. A gathering with food, fire and singing. Andy Lound has the history of the sprout, broadcast from the pub! Darren has lots of jobs for you to be getting on with if you need a festive escape to the garden. Can we also take this moment to thank you all for supporting this podcast in its first full year. We still don't know exactly what we're doing but we have great fun every week doing it! Happy New Year x Hoste...
It's our Christmas party!
Friday, 20 December 2024
Come along with us to the podcast Christmas party! We begin in the most beautiful medieval vegan cafe in Coventry. Then move on to a visit to the Sgt. Bilko Museum. We do a bit of singing in the cathedral, and then go and get bladdered. There is still a bit of gardening. Merry Christmas x Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Competition episode! Win an experience with Darren at Winterbourne Gardens!
Friday, 13 December 2024
Yes, you read it correctly! Listen in for a chance to win a tour of Winterbourne Gardens in Birmingham with Darren. He'll also get you lunch! The prize is for two people, details in the pod. Mollie chats to Andrew Poad, the general manager of the National Trust about the distribution of the 49 Sycamore Gap tree saplings. Andy Lound has the history of several Christmas spices. We find out about the insects in the garden in December. There's singing, a LOT of laughing and a bit of gardening along the way :0) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Choosing your Christmas tree
Friday, 6 December 2024
We meet The Birmingham tree People. A fantastic group of nature-loving urban forest volunteers with the aim to plant, protect and promote trees and the urban forest. Darren also has a slot on choosing and caring for your real Christmas tree. Andy has the history of holly and ivy and it's time for a December forage too!. Lots of festive giggles in this week's pod. Grab a mince pies and settle in... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Feeling festive!
Friday, 29 November 2024
It's beginning to feel like Christmas! Mollie chats to about the ins and outs of hiring a tree for the festive season and Andy Lound brings you the fascinating history of the Christmas tree. Darren has a shed load of gift ideas for Christmas, from experiences and memberships to subscriptions and allotment rental. We also hear from listener Karen who puts up a memory tree at the bottom of her drive so the community can claim a bauble to remember someone who will be missing this Christmas, both human and animal x Loads of your gardening questions answered too. Pour yo...
The Cannock Chase candle!
Friday, 22 November 2024
We meet a family who manufacture candles that smell of local landmarks - Cannock Chase being one example, along with local apples and bluebells. Andy Lound brings us the history of Cannock Chase too. Lots of gardening, laughing and singing. An hour of smiles with Mollie and Darren.. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Chatting with The Nation Vegetable Society and allotment Dan
Friday, 15 November 2024
Get cosy with us for an autumnal show. Mollie chats to Jim from the National Vegetable society and we hear how newby Dan is getting on having had his new allotment for a month now. Andy Lound has the history of the potato and Darren has lots of gardening advice as the cold weather sets in. All that mixed with poetry from listener Paul, Mollie's singing attempt and a huge amount of laughter. It's gardening, but not as you know it... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Icon alert! Chesney Hawkes talks gardening
Friday, 8 November 2024
The nicest guy in showbiz joins Mollie for a chat. The one and only Chesney Hawkes. Hear about how his Dad and Grandad inspired his love of horticulture and the beautiful reason for his favourite flower. Darren has his foraging slot for the month of November. Horticultural histories with Andy Lound and a few of your gardening questions answered to boot. Settle in and press play... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Bat Conservation Trust join us for some bat chat
Friday, 1 November 2024
My goodness we cover a lot in this episode! Mollie has a fascinating conversation with Joe from the Bat Conservation Trust, finding out why it is so important to help and protect these beautiful creatures. Pumpkins are still on the agenda this week and feature in Darren's money saving tips and we go down the larder to get a recipe for pumpkin dog biscuits. Andy Lound brings us the history of All Hallows day, and we hear from a lady who has married a ghost. Oh, and almost forgot to mention that we get a few of your gardening questions answered too! Defiantly something for everyone on this ep...
Smashing Pumpkins
Friday, 25 October 2024
In the run up to Halloween there's a slightly spooky feel to this week's episode! Andy Lound has a fascinating history of the pumpkin, we talk alternative uses for a pumpkin and Darren has even penned an original poem about the humble fruit. Yes, it's a fruit! Mollie brings us the latest news on the cheating saga in the world conker championships. Was King Conker cleared of cheating having been found with a steel conker in his trousers? Also news this week that some pick your own pumpkin patches actually buy in their pumpkins! Lots of your gardening questions answered and a giggle or two al...
Hedgehogs and conkers - the latter turns bonkers!
Friday, 18 October 2024
An episode full of spikes and scandal! Mollie finds out about a new national strategy to save our beautiful hedgehog and the fabulous Andy Lound brings us the history of the hedgehog, did you know they originated from shrews? Darren brings you a guide to taking semi hardwood cutting this time of year and would you believe there has been an enormous scandal that has rocked the world of conkers? One of the winners of the world championships has been accused of harbouring a steel conker in his kegs...we speak to a man who took part to see how he is feeling amid all this scandal... An awful lot...
The World Conker Championships!
Friday, 11 October 2024
A celebration of conkers! Mollie finds out all about the World Conker Championships. Do you know they have a section for the blind? We find out if it's been a good year for conkers too and share some of your memories of playing as a youngster - before health and safety! Andy Lound has a fascinating history of conker playing, did you know the Spanish used to play with snail shells?Darren also brings us a wholly inadequate solitary conker joke, for which we must apologise...but redeems himself by bringing us "10 things to do with a conker"Listen in for a cosy autumn hour. Hosted on Acast. See...
Giant vegetables at the Malvern show!
Friday, 4 October 2024
Meet 2 amazing giant vegetable growers at the Malvern Autumn Show! Dave had the 2nd biggest cucumber and he was very proud of it. Is there a knack to growing huge veg? Find out. Darren answers a great question on when and how to plant bare root roses and why they might be a better purchase than buying a rose in a pot. He also brings you his October foraging slot. Mollie talks to Buglife to find out which insects you might find in the garden this month. Gather round... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Where to start with a new allotment
Friday, 27 September 2024
Another bumper episode this week. From making chilli jam to finding out about this year's Malvern Autumn Show, there's lots to discuss! Darren profiles how to make pots and baskets full of Autumn colour and we have our first chat with Dan who has just taken on an allotment for the first time and needs to know where to start. Loads of your questions answered too. Get the kettle on and join us... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Let's welcome Autumn
Friday, 20 September 2024
Released on the Autumn equinox! We meet Martin Fish, an RHS judge who will be judging at this year's Malvern Autumn show and also hosting the Potting Shed stage too. Darren answers lots of your autumn gardening questions including how to prepare your olive trees for winter and how to stop the squirrel nicking your plums! There's something a little different from Andy Lound this week too. Go on, press play... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We talk sunflowers and chickens, what could be nicer?
Friday, 13 September 2024
Another bumper episode. This week Mollie chats to BHWT. The British hen welfare Trust have just re-homed their one millionth hen! She's gone to live in one of the most famous gardens in the UK. Darren has a regal announcement his teabags, bras and tights talk and he also answers lots of your gardening questions. Horticultural histories focus on the wheelbarrow, courtesy of Andy Lound. We also meet Carolla Puddy-Henry who runs a sunflower farm, a very happy job indeed! So lots of smiles to be had, come and join us... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
It's our first birthday! A celebration of silliness...
Friday, 6 September 2024
Mollie here. I was going to put together some bits from our first year of podcasting but I only got as far as Christmas! So many giggles had. Thank you for all of your support over the last year, all of your encouragement and interaction. We do do lots of gardening, but we also have a laugh along the way, which we consider VERY important in life. Let's celebrate some silliness and look forward to another year of horticultural happiness x Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Where are the wasps this year?
Friday, 30 August 2024
Where are the wasps? Mollie asks Seirian Sumner, (AKA The Wasp Woman) a British entomologist and behavioural ecologist. She is a professor at University College London and is an expert in social wasps, she’s also written a book on wasps, so she's quite the expert on the subject! Find out why there are so few to be seen and how that will impact future generations of wasps.As it is our first birthday next week, Andy Lound has the history of paper, a traditional first birthday gift. Darren answers another bumper crop of your gardening questions too. We find out what insects to look out for in ...
How trees could just save our planet
Friday, 23 August 2024
We're joined in conversation by Professor Rob Mckenzie, director of the Birmingham institute of forest research at Birmingham University. Research has found that mature trees are able to increase their storage of greenhouse gases as levels rise, offering hope to the world. We get a fascinating insight in to the project. Historian Andy Lound also talks us through the history of ancient trees. It's a one week only return for Darren's joke slot, and a huge crop of your gardening questions get answered too. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A bumper summer episode!
Friday, 16 August 2024
So much gardening in one podcast episode! We meet Lizzy from Gloucester Cathedral and she tells us about some of the amazing work the cathedral and community are doing to re-wild the city. Andy Lound has a brilliant horticultural history this week - he takes a look at the humble hoe. We profile free stuff to do with the children in the garden during the summer holidays, plus lots of NGS gardens you can visit. A bumper crop of your gardening questions answered too. Come and join us... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.