Work on a £150,000 scheme to improve Dudley Market is set to start in April, it has been revealed.
The work is being funded by the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Planning permission was granted last week to replace a number of stalls with the seating area, which will be shielded from the elements by glass screens.
Work will start in April, with council chiefs hopeful it will be completed and open by the summer.
Councillor Paul Bradley, deputy leader of the council, said: “We need to do all we can to encourage greater footfall to the market and the town centre to help our traders.
“We have seen that when Tudor Markets have put events on in the town, it has resulted in a real boost for businesses.
“By realigning the current layout of the market, and putting this seating area in, it will make it a much more flexible space and much easier to put events on in the future.
“We intend to install CCTV as a measure to assist in preventing anti-social behaviour, while also making stalls more flexible to assist traders.
“The market refurbishment is intended to benefit all traders in the town, not just those on the market, and I hope it will become a real central hub and gathering point for visitors.
“These improvements are part of a wider regeneration strategy to help the town.”
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