People who live and work in Dudley borough are being reminded that PCR test centres have now closed.
Free lateral flow tests, which are used for testing people without symptoms of covid-19, have also been phased out for the majority of people in England.
As a result, the rapid test centres at Orchard Lane, Flood Street and Studley Gate closed last week and home test kit collection points have also now closed. Karen Wright, director of public health in Dudley, said:
"We are grateful to everyone in Dudley who has taken care to follow precautions against Covid-19 during the pandemic. One of our biggest tools in the fight against transmission has been asking people to get tested and to test at home. I would like to thank the many residents who have continued to take this precaution.
"As we move to the next stages towards living with Covid-19, the Government will supply free lateral flow tests to certain individuals only. Those who remain eligible for free regular asymptomatic testing should continue to take up the offer.
"People who are not eligible and wish to test will be able to purchase LFT kits from high street pharmacies, this is particularly prudent for those who feel they may have developed symptoms of Covid-19 or those planning to meet up with vulnerable people.
"We would also ask people to continue to practise good hand hygiene as this will help to protect against COVID and other viral infections."
Spring boosters are being offered to over 75s, care home residents and the most vulnerable. Symptomatic rapid testing will remain free for some patients in hospital, people eligible for community Covid-19 treatments and people living or working in high-risk settings.
Asymptomatic rapid testing will remain free for staff working in some high-risk settings. In addition, testing will be provided for care home staff and residents during an outbreak, and for care home residents upon admission.
Updated guidance advises people with symptoms of a respiratory infection, including Covid-19, and a high temperature or who feel unwell, to try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature.
Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. Children can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
For full details of the changes, please visit gov.uk/coronavirus.
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