A man was jailed yesterday for three-and-a-half years, for causing life changing injuries to a baby left in his care.
Callum Marriott, aged 21, of Bassett Road, Wednesbury, was found guilty of wounding by a jury at Wolverhampton Crown Court on 11 October after an eight-day trial.
The child has Global Development Delay meaning that he takes longer to reach certain milestones than other children of his age. The boy has severely restricted vision, does not talk and has only just started walking.
Marriott was left in charge of the baby for just a few minutes when it is believed he shook the child so violently that he went limp and was rushed to hospital in a critical condition.
Doctors found the baby had a bruise on his cheek, and his fontanelle, or soft spot on the top of his head, was tense, which led to seizures. Subsequent scans confirmed bleeding on the brain and within the eyes. There was evidence of older bleeding indicating that this was not the first injury and specialists concluded that the injuries could not have been accidental. Investigating officer, Detective Constable Kim Savage from the force’s Public Protection Unit, said:
“Marriott denied causing the injuries and sought to blame someone else, but I am pleased the jury saw through his lies. The child has been left with permanent learning difficulties and will require special needs care for the rest of his life.
“I hope this serves as a reminder to others that if you see a child with any suspicious injuries, please do something about it – it’s better to report it and be wrong than not do anything.”
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