Dudley planners have given the go-ahead for a major revamp at a special school in Halesowen.
Halesbury Special School in Feldon Lane has been granted permission for a new teaching block to replace existing mobile classrooms, which will make way a new play area.
The school dates back to the 1950s and takes pupils aged from four to 19 with complex needs of ASD, language and social communication as well as cognition and learning .
A report from planning officers on the application said: “The extension would comprise of six new classrooms each with outdoor classroom areas, a multi-use room, various break out areas, care facilities and additional WC’s.”
A single letter of objection was received from a resident of the area which said: “We, together with other residents of Newlands Drive, Lyttleton Avenue and Feldon Lane are already plagued with inconsiderate, dangerous and also illegal parking of cars, i.e. cars parked across corners and would not wish to have additional parking problems.”
Planning officers found there would be no loss of parking within the site and concluded: “The proposal would not result in any adverse impact on highway safety as a direct result of the proposed extensions.”
A statement supporting the application for the new block says: “One of the additional classrooms will be slightly larger and will be used for specialist teaching, and a further classroom used to compensate for the loss of a room within the main school, this is to be converted to a much needed staffroom facility.
“The building will include three small break-out rooms for one to one or small group teaching, these are important spaces that are well under provided within the existing school.
“There will be specialist changing facilities and toilets for pupils and staff.”
The school currently has around 60 more pupils than it was designed to accommodate.
The location of the new building means it can be fenced off so the school will remain open during construction.
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