People are invited to have their say on plans to move Dudley Museum and Art Gallery to a new modern setting.
Plans have been drawn up to move the collections from the old building in St James’s Road to the Archives building in Tipton Road.
Borough residents can provide evidence for and against the proposals which will go before the overview and scrutiny management board meeting on Monday July 18th.
The purpose of the scrutiny meeting is not to reconsider the decisions already made. However, the scrutiny board will hear all the information and evidence submitted and make a recommendation to the cabinet on the way forward.
The agenda and reports for the scrutiny meeting will go live on the council website seven days before the meeting, which will be held from 3pm in committee room two at the Council House in Priory Road.
Dudley residents wanting to put forward evidence during a public forum session at the overview and scrutiny management board are asked to register their interest by contacting the council by email on democratic.services@dudley.gov.uk or calling 01384 815235 by no later than Thursday July 14. Alternatively, residents can submit written comments or make their views known to local ward councillors.
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