A Halesowen landlord claims travellers intimidated regulars at his pub and made a mess in the toilets.
Mandeep Bains, who runs the Full Moon, said he felt “vulnerable” when travellers supped at his bar after setting up illegal camps in the area recently. He said:
“They came in most nights and could get quite aggressive to other customers. I would have to talk to them to try calm them down. It put me in a vulnerable position and my regulars were quite scared. It affected our business.”
Mr Bains said toilet rolls were thrown about and the wash basins left filthy. He has appealed to Dudley Council to ensure parks and playing fields were secure to prevent future invasions of travellers.
Meanwhile, travellers who set up camp near Halesowen College have been told to leave. Around 40 caravans and cars moved on to the field off Whittingham Road, Halesowen, last Monday.
Councillors, police and Dudley Council officers have been working to take legal action which could see the travellers leave the site. Belle Vale councillor, Laura Taylor, said the travellers have now been given notice to leave the site.
She added: “The legal proceedings are set to take approximately a week to get underway."
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