Prime Minister pledges £250 million for Midland Metro extension

The West Midlands will benefit from a £250 million transport boost, including a major expansion of the Midland Metro from Wednesbury to Brierley Hill.

It's the first allocation from a new £1.7 billion "Transforming Cities" fund, designed to improve transport links and promote local growth within city regions across the country.

The West Midlands Combined Authority led by West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street, is set to use the cash to fund a new metro line from Wednesbury, running through Great Bridge, Horseley Heath, Dudley Port, Dudley town centre, the Waterfront and Merry Hill, before terminating at Brierley Hill town centre.

The Authority originally requested £200 million for the scheme, which is the first of a series of proposed extensions to the Metro. Others includes lines to Wolverhampton interchange and to the HS2 terminal at Curzon Street in Birmingham. Mr Street said:

“The Midland Metro extension to Brierley Hill is the West Midlands Combined Authority’s priority transport project and the £250m from Government means we can get underway.

"The importance of this extension is difficult to understate. It will open up sites for housing and regeneration and reconnect Dudley and Brierley Hill to the rail network for the first time in decades.”


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