Police in Walsall will be busy engaging with young people as they take part in a school summer activities programme.
The Early Help and Schools Officers, who are part of the Walsall Partnership Team, will be out and about meeting young people as they take part in a host of activities being lined up to keep children entertained during the summer.
The Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF) is a free programme for children and young people and run by Walsall Council. It runs over the summer holidays and your child is eligible if they are aged five to 16 and eligible for benefit-related free school meals. Activities include swimming, bowling, roller-skating tai chi and dance as well theatre and growing your own vegetables.
As well as visiting some of the holiday activity schemes across the borough officers will also be deploying the mobile police station at key locations. They will also be visiting parks, open spaces, youth centres and high streets to engage with young people. Ian Brotherton, Young Persons Officer at Walsall LPA, said:
“We want to meet the young people and their families and have a chat to them. We will be there to listen to any concerns they may have.
“It is all about positive engagement and building relationships. We want to show them we are approachable and happy to speak to them about any issues.
“And you never know I may lace up my football boots for a game of football with them.”
If parents/carers would like to find out more about the fun-filled Holiday Activity and Food Programme on offer for eligible families you can visit the website at go.walsall.gov.uk.
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