An official Duncan Edwards Day is to be celebrated every year on the birthday of the Dudley-born football legend, it was revealed today.
The Duncan Edwards Foundation said it would take place on October 1 every year, to ensure the Manchester United and England star would never be forgotten.
It is being backed by Dudley Council, with the Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Dave Tyler, and council leader and chief executive Patrick Harley and Sarah Norman expected to attend. Rose Cook Monk, of the Duncan Edwards Foundation, said:
“Our aim through setting up the Foundation was to try and ensure that the name of Duncan Edwards will never be forgotten in his home town.
“Although it won’t be happening until October, we felt it was an apt time to announce and launch it this week, on the 60th anniversary of Duncan’s tragic death.
“We’ll now be spending the next few months working hard to ensure we put on a fun-filled day on October 1 fitting of his memory.”
Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of the council, added:
“As the historic capital of the Black Country, we are very proud of our past here in Dudley.
“Duncan Edwards is one of Dudley’s biggest success stories, and it is only right that we celebrate that.
“The council is firmly behind the creation of a Duncan Edwards Day, and we look forward to it later this year.”
A number of events have taken place in Duncan’s hometown to mark the 60th anniversary of the Munich air disaster.
It claimed the lives of eight Manchester United players and ‘Busby Babes’ including Duncan, who died 15 days later from injuries sustained in the crash on February 21, 1958, aged just 21.
Anyone looking for information about events, or the work of the Duncan Edwards Foundation, can email Rose.
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