Parking charges in West Bromwich slammed by local MP

West Bromwich East MP, Nicola Richards has blasted Sandwell Council for parking charge increases in West Bromwich.

Ms RIchards also accused Council leadership of trying to ‘muddy the water’ in claiming they have mitigated against the impact of parking charges whilst simultaneously approving huge increases in short-stay charges.

Following Sandwell Council’s decision, short-stay parking charges within West Bromwich will rise significantly. A four-hour parking ticket will increase from £1.60 to £4.00, double that of any other town in Sandwell. Nicola said:

“These outrageous parking charge increases will punish residents, visitors, employees, and the hard-working independent businesses in the town that rely on trade from motorists.

“What’s worse is that Sandwell Council delayed deciding until after the local elections to avoid scrutiny at the ballot box, before ludicrously claiming to ‘mitigate the impact’ of the increased charges.

“Let’s be clear. Sandwell Council are making motorists in West Bromwich pay double that of anywhere else in the borough. No attempt to muddy the water now will stop people feeling the impact of these charges when they visit our town centre in the future.”

Following public outcry against initial proposals to increase charges, Sandwell Council deferred the decision until this month, after local elections that took place on 4th May 2023.

At a meeting of the Council’s ruling Cabinet, it was decided to implement the charge rises largely as originally planned but defer a decision on further increases in 2026 onwards for two years.


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