Dudley Borough was a hive of activity on last Thursday as West MIdlands Police staff joined council staff and professionals as well as volunteers, to support the force's Operation Advance day.
Operation Advance sees police carrying out a series of hyper-intensive police activity days, where they conduct operations, carry out warrants and arrest those causing harm to our communities, as well as educational activities, such as school visits and crime prevention advice.
The team were at Merry Hill Shopping Centre to promote recruitment to the force and talk to members of the public, working closely with the centre’s security staff to reduce crime and make sure shoppers feel safe.
Their volunteer puppy fosterers brought along the next generation of police dogs to help with their socialisation training.
Weapon sweeps took place alongside and used knife arches and wands at bus stations to search for hidden knives and other lethal implements alongside streetwatch volunteers were out in force on patrol across the borough.
Teaming up with Trading Standards the team sought to route out illegal tobacco and vapes. In one Lye shop alone Griff, the Trading Standards sniffer dog, found £30,000 worth of contraband behind wall panels and hidden drawers.
Throughout the day 13 arrests were made for a variety of offences from violent disorder and assault to theft and driving offences.
The traffic operation in Castle Gate saw 23 cars stopped, with six seized for no tax or insurance and 12 drivers reported for vehicle defects.
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