Dudley Council’s housing boss says “no stone will be left unturned” in its bid to build new council homes after plans for a new development in Stourbridge are revealed.
The local authority is due to submit a planning application to build ten council homes on a small plot of council owned land off Enville Street in Stourbridge.
The development includes ten apartments with a mix of one and two bedrooms. There has already been consultation with local residents ahead of the planning application being submitted and the feedback received was positive. The scheme is expected to cost approximately £1.3 million.
A number of other projects to build new council homes are underway in locations across the borough including Commonside in Pensnett and Russells Hall.
Five families were recently handed the keys to newly built council homes on Bromley in Pensnett following a final inspection from Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing. Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and community services, said:
"No stone will be left unturned in our bid to build new council homes. It’s important we look at every opportunity and that includes the small pockets of land where it’s possible to build a small number of homes.
"We’re able to utilise our framework agreements with local developers Jessops and Harpers, which allows us to build more efficiently and cost effectively, making the development more viable."
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