More Taser officers set for the West Midlands

West Midlands Police will double the number of officers armed with Taser following a major security review.

There are currently 643 Taser trained officers in the West Midlands including emergency response officers and all firearms officers.

That number is likely to double to around 1,440 over the next 18 months as 50 per cent of all Response officers − PCs who respond to 999 emergencies – will be approved to carry the device. Officers in other roles will also be trained including some neighbourhood beat bobbies.

The move is part of the force’s “round the clock efforts” to keep people safe and was recommended by security experts following a detailed analysis of local and national crime trends. Chief Constable Dave Thompson said:

“We routinely review safety and security but the nature of the threat we all face has changed of late. We are seeing higher levels of violence and an increase in weapon use.

“Our officers need something more than their baton if they’re to protect people effectively. As part of our round the clock efforts to keep people safe, we will be significantly increasing the number of officers trained in the use of Taser.

“We’re still a long way off routinely arming PCs with Tasers but we have to stay one step ahead of those who would seek to cause harm.”

In 2016 WMP officers deployed Taser on 854 occasions but only fired them 162 times.

As well as an uplift in Taser numbers, the review recommended changes to its deployment across the West Midlands. New plans will see greater coverage overall and an enhanced capability around shopping centres and entertainment venues including sporting arenas, concert venues and nightspots popular with clubbers and diners.

The changes are preventative and are not based on specific threats to the West Midlands.

“I appreciate this may cause some people concern, but I’d like to reassure anyone worried about the changes that our use of Taser is tightly controlled,” added Chef Constable Thompson.

“Details of its use is routinely published on our website for all to see, and the publicly elected Police and Crime Commissioner holds me personally to account on behalf of the people of the West Midlands.

“As an enhanced measure, we are working with the Police and Crime Commissioner to put measures in place to increase public scrutiny of our use of force through special panels made up of local people.”

The increase in Taser-carrying officers will coincide with the introduction of the latest double-shot weapons which are capable of firing twice before requiring a reload. Single-shot Tasers are currently used by the force. The new system offers greater protection for officers using the device to keep people safe from harm.

A public consultation event held at police headquarters on Monday 24 July was attended by around 50 local people, councillors, medics and others.

The group were in support of the uplift and introduction of the latest weapons when the training programme was explained along with internal and public scrutiny which goes into the use of Taser.

The changes being implemented in the West Midlands are also backed by the Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Police Federation which represents rank and file officers.

Speaking about the changes, Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Lynnette Kelly, said: “I fully back the decision to increase the number of officers at West Midlands Police who carry and are trained to use Tasers.

“Following the recent attacks in London and Manchester this move is both sensible and proportionate.

“Here in the West Midlands our police regularly confront danger with little more than a trusty baton. This increase in the number of officers carrying Tasers will help address the balance, while not undermining the long standing British tradition of unarmed policing.

“Scrutiny of Taser usage is vital. We will ensure the footage recorded by body worn cameras during Taser incidents is monitored closely by panels made up of members of the public.

“We will maintain close oversight of Taser usage ensuring it is used proportionately and fairly.”

The full cost of the increase and introduction of the double-shot device is now being calculated along with the timetable for the changes and the training schedule. Existing police budgets will pay for the uplift.


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