For over 20 years a Dudley charity has supported anyone in the borough who has a disability.
Access In Dudley is led by Tina Boothroyd who has spearheaded numerous campaigns on the subject of access for people with disabilities to buildings, transport and services across the borough and beyond.
The group meets once per month and has an audience with Dudley Council every quarter to discuss policies affecting the disabled and to give advice on possible improvements to services.
The small group is a mixture of people with disabilities and able bodied supporters. Their Patron is former Mayor of Dudley, Steve Waltho. Tina said:
"For over two decades we have fought for a better deal for those with disabilities in our borough but our membership has waned over the past few years and we're now making a public appeal for anyone with an interest in those with disabilities to come and join us.
"Our meetings are informal, refreshments are usually provided and no topic is off the table. Examples of our work are as wide as campaigning to get obstructions removed to getting a disability pod installed in one of our Leisure Centres.
"You don't have to have a disability to be a member, just simply a desire to make our bit of the world a better place to live in for those with disability".
For more information the group can be contacted by ringing 01384 569 505, e-mailing info@accessindudley.org.uk or by visiting accessindudley.org.uk.
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