A Halesowen school is celebrating after becoming the first special school in the borough to be nationally recognised for its work with parents and carers.
Halesbury School has been awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA), a nationally recognised award which promotes excellence in parent partnerships within schools. It is valid for three years.
The school, in partnership with Pens Meadow School, has recruited its own family outreach team to work with its families. It provides a range of support including advice on benefits, access to funding, adult and family learning as well as positive parenting courses. Headteacher John Kulyk said:
“I am very proud of the work Family Outreach and the school does for our families. It is one of the most important aspects of our school for our children and families to succeed.
“We are excited about our plans to continue our work with parents and carers and are committed to maintaining the award."
Councillor Ian Cooper, cabinet member for children’s services, said:
“Congratulations to the school for achieving this national award, which recognises the extra support it offers parents and carers.”
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