A youth centre in Lower Gornal has had it's future secured after council bosses agreed to move forward with an asset transfer.
Council Leader, Patrick Harley and ward councillor, David Stanley met recently with centre users and management staff to discuss the future of the lower Gornal youth centre.
Cllr Harley said: "It's clear this youth centre is an absolute gem of a place and a hive of activity that tailors to the majority of the communities needs.
"An asset transfer was agreed some years ago but due to COVID that course of action was never completed. I'm very pleased to see the asset transfer now move at pace and at the same time secure the long term future of this valuable community asset"
Cllr Stanley added "The users and management team have worked tirelessly and invested thousands in the building. They are an absolute credit to the lower Gornal community and after listening to them I know they can deliver far more than the local authority can."x
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