A budding guide dog named Dudley is heading off to training camp, thanks to money raised by a former Mayor of Dudley.
Councillor Margaret Aston, the borough’s first citizen from 2014 to 2015, raised £32,000 through various activities and events and the kind donations of residents and businesses. The money was donated to the former Mayor’s chosen charities, Guide Dogs and Action Heart.
Guide Dogs have used their £16,000 contribution to fund three new puppies Dudley, Bentley and Arthur, all named by Councillor Aston.
All three puppies have spent the first year of their lives with puppy walkers and the oldest of the three pups, Dudley, will be the first to head off to the Guide Dog Training Centre in Leamington Spa to learn essential guide dog skills. Councillor Margaret Aston, former Mayor of Dudley, said:
“The Guide Dog charity is one which is extremely close to my heart as I have seen first-hand the positive impact a guide dog can have on the life of someone with sight loss or impairment.
“I am so proud the donation has been used to fund the training of three dogs as they will one day be able to transform a person’s life and give them a sense of independence. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated throughout my Mayoral year.”
Councillor Mohammed Hanif, the Mayor of Dudley, said:
“Over the years hundreds of thousands of pounds have been raised for Mayoral charities, thanks to the generous contributions of people living in the borough and beyond. It’s wonderful to see the money raised during Margaret’s Mayoral year being put to such good use.”
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