Dudley Zoo are getting in the festive spirit with their 'Tea with Santa' event in aid of their £100,000 snow leopard enclosure appeal.
The attractions newest arrival, a one year-old snow leopard called Taïga, is settling into her new home and this week also met Father Christmas, who has pledged to raise money towards the £100,000 big cat enclosure extension appeal.
The work, which includes doubling the size of the outdoor snow leopard enclosure and installing a new visitor viewing area and cat platform, is set to begin next year with the money raised through on-site fundraising efforts over the last 12 months.
The latest fundraiser is tea with Santa on Saturday, December 10th, which includes festive entertainment from nearby Jesson’s School choir. Marketing Manager, Andrea Hales, said:
“Santa will be arriving straight from his Winter Wonderland grotto in the 11th century Dudley Castle to join guests for a delicious evening meal before he hands out gifts to every child.
“This will be a great way to begin the Christmas countdown and promises to get everyone in the festive spirit, while also raising money for our endangered snow leopards.”
One year-old Taïga arrived in October from Beauval ZooParc in France as a new mate for six-year-old male, Margaash and is busy exploring her new surroundings. The pair are currently separated as part of the introduction process, but keepers are said to be delighted with how things are progressing.
Tickets for Tea with Santa, which runs from 5pm until 7.30pm, are priced at £8.50 per adult and £12 for children over one, while a family of two adults and two children is £38. Tickets for children under one, without food, are £5.
Places are limited and can be booked online at dudleyzoo.org.uk or by calling 01384 215313.
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