Dudley parents encouraged to take advantage of free childcare

Eligible families are being encouraged to take advantage of free childcare hours for their two, three and four year olds.

Parents across Dudley borough who have a two year old and are in receipt of certain benefits, or are on a lower income, may be able to access 15 hours of free childcare each week.

Those on job seekers allowance, income support or employment and support allowance or with an income less than £16,190 (or £15,400 if in receipt of universal credit) may be eligible.

Parents of two year olds with a special educational need or disability can also access the additional hours. All families with three and four year olds are also entitled to a universal 15 hours of free childcare.

In addition, the national 30 hour scheme allows working parents to access an extra 15 hours. Signing up enables them to continue to work or increase their working hours.

Accessing childcare support gives children vital social skills, supports a child’s development and language skills and helps get them ready for school. People can find out more about free childcare for two, three and four year olds by visiting dudley.gov.uk. Cath Knowles, director of children’s services, said:

"If you have a two, three or four year old there are a number of options available to support with childcare. Thousands of families across the borough have already signed up to free childcare schemes which is fantastic to see.

"The 30 hour scheme in particular helps parents balance both work and family life and allows parents to continue working while giving their children the chance to interact with other children."

To find out about all government schemes available to support parents with childcare costs visit childcarechoices.gov.uk.


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