A blueprint for development in the borough over the next 16 years has been submitted to the Secretary of State for an independent public examination.
The Dudley Local Plan sets out how Dudley Council will look to meet housing and employment needs in the borough up to 2041.
It lays out the authority’s commitment to regeneration and building on brownfield land. Following its submission, a public examination overseen by an independent inspector is expected to take place in mid-2025.
Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of the council, said: “It has taken a significant amount of hard work to get the plan to this stage and I wish to thank everyone who has assisted with this process.
“We firmly retain our belief that the housing and employment needs of this borough can be met within the urban area and working with our neighbouring authorities.
“We believe we can do this without having to build on green belt land which we know is treasured by so many people across the borough. “The plan has been drafted on that basis, and we are confident that the independent inspector will rule that it is a sound one.”
People can read more about the plan and keep up to date with latest developments at dudley.gov.uk/localplan.
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