The business networking group which helped bring the DY-Eye to Dudley is going from strength to strength after appointing its first management committee.
The Dudley Business Group, set up by town centre businesses and stakeholders, in partnership with Dudley Council, to improve and encourage visitors to Dudley, has elected three of its members to drive it forward.
Bilal Hussain, from Santander, is the group’s new chair, Dave Carter, from the Arcade Toyshop, is vice-chair, and Len Lenihan, from Dudley Market Traders Ltd, has become treasurer.
More than 13,500 people from across the country came to town to ride on the big wheel during its six weeks in situ, giving it an overwhelmingly positive thumbs-up. Bilal Hussain, local business manager at Santander and newly appointed chair of the Dudley Business Group, said:
“The Dudley Business Group has been in existence for just over a year and it is really starting to have an impact. The DY-Eye was the first big project we’ve been involved with.
"There’s no doubt it caused a stir, but that was a good thing because it massively raised Dudley’s profile. Our survey results show 74 per cent of town centre businesses thought the wheel was positive for Dudley and 72 per cent felt people came to the town who otherwise may not have visited.
“Now we’ve got the first success under our belt we are concentrating on what to do next, and we’ve got some exciting plans to keep people coming to and enjoying Dudley."
Cllr Khurshid Ahmed, cabinet member for planning and economic development said:
“The Dudley Business Group is a fantastic example of how true partnership working can benefit a town. The council has worked closely with the group and has helped empower them to become a dynamic organisation with the desire and confidence to make positive changes for Dudley.
“It’s been a pleasure to watch the group evolve into a strong and creative organisation working with local businesses and the community, and I look forward to continuing working with them into the future.”
The Dudley Business Group meets monthly. For more information, or to join the group, email vice-chair Dave Carter at arcadetoyshop@hotmail.com.
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