Dudley Council is planning a day of crackdown activity and surveillance later this month, which will see resources targeted at problem areas.
People who are caught dog fouling can receive a fixed penalty notice, with a fine of up to £100, and the council is also working to install new signage to remind dog owners of their responsibilities.
Dudley Council’s cabinet member, Damien Corfield, has issued a warning to dog owners that they must pick up after their pooch or face the consequences. He said:
"The vast majority of dog owners in Dudley borough are very responsible and take the time to pick up their pet’s mess. Unfortunately, some people are not as civic minded, and we are frequently contacted by residents who rightly have concerns about dog fouling in their local area.
"We have around 2,800 bins in the borough, which are a mixture of black dual-purpose bins, red dog bins and green or grey recycling units. Except for recycling units, all our bins now accept both dog waste and general litter, so there is no excuse for not picking up after your pooch.
"Today we are issuing a stark warning that people must bag and bin dog mess or else they could face a hefty fine. We will not hesitate to take action against a selfish minority of people who do not take the appropriate level of pride or care."
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