CCTV to help tackle off road bike nuisance in Sandwell

PC Omar Sharif, PCSO Jack Price and Councillors Simon Hackett, Geoff Lewis and Joy Edis at Mesty Croft playing fields.

Sandwell Council and police officers are working to reduce 'noisy and dangerous' off-road motorbike nuisance on playing fields in the Wednesbury area.

The council has updated its CCTV coverage on the Mesty Croft playing fields which is monitored by its CCTV control room, and there have been new gates erected at the site.

The move follows complaints to councillors about the noise, the potential dangers to children playing in the areas and the general nuisance caused by young people racing around. Councillor Elaine Costigan, cabinet member for public health and protection, said:

"Local people are rightly concerned about the nuisance people are causing with their off-road bikes. We are concerned about the noise that annoys local people and also the dangers facing children playing on the field - and the dangers faced by the riders themselves.

"We now have two cameras located in the area that will be used to assist partners and police identify the culprits of this nuisance behaviour. We want to let people know we are listening to their concerns and taking action but we also need their help to report incidents.

"We believe that the measures we have taken will play a part in reducing the nuisance."

Anyone wanting advice on how to report motorbike nuisance can go to, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or call the police on 101.


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