Car Bosses Fined For Unroadworthy Car

Bosses at a Stourbridge car dealership have been ordered to pay costs and fines of more than £17,000 after selling a car with a string of safety problems.

The Vauxhall Vectra, sold by Carwise Trade Centre, had faults with the steering, suspension, brakes and wipers and should not have been used on the road, the court heard. A couple from Welshpool bought the car from the company in Birmingham Road, in September last year for £1,159.

But Dudley's trading standards team found the car, which had been bought by the company from an auction, to have serious faults which made it unroadworthy.

Bosses Mehraj Islam and Asif Masud appeared at Dudley Magistrates Court on Thursday (April 28) and admitted seven offences under the Road Traffic Act and other legislation.

The pair admitted seven offences and magistrates ordered the company, which had only been trading since March last year, to pay cost and fines of £7,620. They also ordered Islam, a director at the company, to pay £6,420 in costs and fines and Masud, a manager at the firm, to pay £3,420.

The company has now put new systems in place in make sure they did not repeat the problem. Tony Oakman, strategic director for people directorate at Dudley Council, said:

“This is a very important case as part of our on-going trading standards work, helping to protect people and keep them safe.

“It sends out a clear warning that traders have a duty to ensure the goods they are selling are safe for people to use. If not, it could lead to a costly trip to court.”


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