Brierley Hill Library is taking part in a World Book Day Costume Swap – a chance for anyone looking for a new child’s outfit to exchange it for one already used, completely free of charge.
World Book Day takes place on 6 March and is all about encouraging children to read for fun.
Many schools mark the event by inviting pupils to dress up as their favourite book character. To make this year’s occasion as inclusive as possible, World Book Day charity organisers suggest costume swaps.
“It’s such a good idea and we wanted to help,” said Rocco De Gregorio, manager of Brierley Hill Library.
“Customers can bring in an outfit that no longer fits and choose another one, without the expense or waste of having to buy new.”
Councillor James Clinton, cabinet member responsible for libraries, said:
“Hosting this event in advance of World Book Day means that families can plan ahead and make the most of the swap. It’s a chance to clear out the dressing-up box, find a new home for a much loved and outgrown costume and walk away with a new one. You can donate as many costumes as you like, I’m sure happy homes will be found for all of them.
“Dressing up is a big part of World Book Day and this swap is absolutely in the spirit of the event. Books can take you into a whole new world where you can be a film star, an astronaut or a pharaoh, there’s no limit to a child’s imagination.”
Operating under the Better brand, GLL runs Brierley Hill and 12 other libraries on behalf of Dudley Council.
Brierley Hill Library provides a range of activities, resources and services for all ages.
Visit better.org.uk for more information.
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