Booking open for 2025/26 garden waste permits

Residents can now book or renew their annual subscription for garden waste collections.

It will cost £52 for fortnightly pick-ups running from April to the end of March 2026, with collections only suspended for two weeks over Christmas. The fee will be payable in one lump sum by debit or credit card – the option to pay monthly will not be available.

Residents can renew now online via MyDudley or by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.

It comes after more than 72,000 households signed up for the paid service when it was introduced for the first time last year. People can book or renew a subscription on someone else’s behalf without that person needing to set up a MyDudley account themselves.

Neighbours can also opt to share a bin, which will only be charged to one resident and collected from that property. If residents choose not to opt in no action will be required, but they will not receive garden waste collections.

The move is part of measures to offset estimated budget pressures of £42 million next year to preserve critical front-line services, protecting vulnerable children and adults in the borough.

Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for highways and environmental services, said: “The many thousands who signed up last year shows how valued a service it is to our residents.

“It is convenient – with garden waste collected directly from homes saving regular tip trips – and a good quality, trustworthy service. Last year the charge worked out at 70p a week for a 50-week service with 25 collections.

“Despite the severely challenging financial climate we are operating in, this year the charge equates to £1 a week which is only 30p more. In exchange for that, residents will continue to get the service all year round apart from two weeks over Christmas.

“And it is important to state it is still optional – if residents don’t want to subscribe, they can still take their garden waste to the tip in Stourbridge for free.

“We will be doing all we can to ensure the extended and improved service continues to offer excellent value to our residents.”

For information on the garden waste subscription service and to book or renew visit

If residents do not want to opt into the new garden waste service, an alternative to consider is compost bins which normally retail at £129.99 and are available to Dudley residents for £89.99 including delivery.

For more information, or to order, go to


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