Inconsiderate motorists who park across dropped kerbs in town centres, blocking pedestrian crossing points, are being warned they could face a penalty charge notice.
Dudley Council has been responsible for parking enforcement across the borough since 2008.
From July 1 it is now extending its enforcement to drivers who block dropped kerbs at crossing points, causing problems for mobility scooters, wheelchair users and parents with pushchairs, getting across the road.
The move is intended to make it easier and safer for pedestrians to move around our town centres. Councillor Hilary Bills, cabinet member for environmental services, said:
“We want pedestrians to be able to move around our town centres easily and safely. But all too often crossing points with dropped kerbs, put in to help those on mobility scooters, wheelchair users and parents with pushchairs, are being blocked by inconsiderate motorists.
“In the past we have not taken up our powers to issue a penalty charge notice to these drivers, but the problem is becoming far too common and it’s important we ensure dropped kerbs are kept clear for those people they were designed to help.”
Outside town centres, if residents are experiencing persistent problems of vehicles blocking a dropped kerb to their drives, they will now be able to make a written request for enforcement action.
This is not an emergency call out service, but requests will be considered on a case by case basis and problem areas incorporated into patrol routes where resources are available.
Motorists who double park, potentially causing congestion or blocking roads, also face a penalty charge notice under the new extended powers. Councillor Bills added:
“We will continue to take a common sense, fair and consistent approach to our civil parking enforcement.
“Our aim is to tackle the inconsiderate parking that causes problems for both pedestrians and motorists, and which can so easily bring our streets to a halt. If you are a driver who parks responsibly and legally you really will not be affected by this.”
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