Unsigned Uploader

The people of the Black Country and the wider West Midlands are making music that should be shouted about and that's what we're trying to do.

A number of our shows play local artists - and that ranges from people who play guitar as a hobby through to those trying to take their first steps to a full time career.

This page is where an artist, group or band can upload tracks so that our producers and show teams can hear them and, potentially, play them on the radio.

The uploader is easy to use on your desktop or mobile device and you're welcome to link to specific tracks or general artist profiles.

We welcome submissions from artists based in Birmingham and Black Country. If you’re based outside the area, it’s worth contacting your local radio station.

If you want us to hear what you're making, send us your music using the form below!


Just so we know where you're from - we won't pass it on to anyone!
Hi-res artist image *
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Tell us a bit about yourselves

Social Media Accounts

Upload Your Song

Please ensure your link allows us to download the track
DIsclaimer: *

- We will always prioritise submissions from artists based in Birmingham and the Black Country
- Not all artists who submit content will have their music played on air; submission is not a guarantee of success.
- Submissions must be made digitally using the form above, with all required fields sent in.
- Completed forms will be sent to a variety of show teams, meaning you may be contacted by more than one person.

- Physical copies of music will NOT be considered, nor can we return any CD's, vinyl etc submitted to us.

92.2 / 102.5 FM
'Play Black Country Radio'